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Orbital Revolution


​First printed in 2018

Laylah, 2017

Laylah, 2017

Laylah, 2017



Poema de Aleister Crowley, traducido por Luna Lliro

Ven a mis brazos --- ¿es víspera? ¿es mañana?
¿Apollo está despierto? ¿Diana renace?
Están las corrientes en canción completa? Susurran los bosques silencio?
¿Es el ruiseñor? ¿Es el tordo?
Es la sonrisa del otoño, el sonrojo
De la primavera? ¿Está el mundo lleno de paz o alarmas?
¡Ven a mis brazos, Laylah, ven a mis brazos!

Ven a mis brazos, a través del soplo del huracán.
Trueno y verano, o invierno y nieve,
Es uno para nosotros, uno, mientras nuestros espíritus están rizados
En la caricia carmesí: somos aficionados, estamos enrollados
Como lirios lejos de la guerra del mundo.
Hay hechizos tras nosotros? Hay amuletos extraterrestres?
¡Ven a mis brazos, Laylah, ven a mis brazos!

Tarantism, 2016

overcoming melancholy by dancing; the uncontrollable urge to dance.


Muni-muni, 2016

to think deeply, to ponder. (Japan)


Rasasvada, 2016

a moment of bliss in the absence of all thought.


Metanoia, 2016

the journey of changing one´s mind, heart, self, or way of life.


Hipernova, 2016

Brighter than an Exploding Star, It's a Hypernova!


Soyga, 2016

Aldaraia dive Soyga vocor (The book of Soyga)


Svatantra, 2017
Doctrine of free-will or independence: self-dependence, independence, self-will, freedom, independent, free, uncontrolled. (Buddha)

Hum, 2017
Stars and planets emit their own unique hum based on their orbital revolution, and that the quality of life on Earth reflects the tenor of celestial sounds which are physically imperceptible to the human ear.

Radiance, 2017
the radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received by a surface, per unit solid angle per unit projected area. (radiometry)

Ouroboros, 2017
a symbol from ancient Egyptian Empire, depicting a reptile eating its own tail. In demonology, Orobas is a powerful Great Prince of Hell who speaks of the divine essence to fool Humans.

Yetzirah, 2016
a part of the tree of life, corresponds to emotions as is through emotion that we connect the intangible world with the material.

Opia, 2017
the ambiguos intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.

Tricolor, 2016
Libertad, la igualdad y la fraternidad | trabajo, la alegría y el amor. (Juan Ramón Jimenez: Himno a la Bandera Tricolor)

Exertion, 2016
the application of a force, influence, or quality: the exertion of authority.


​Orbital Revolution

The annual motion of a celestial body in an elliptical orbit round the Sun.

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